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Guangzhou Zhenweishi Auto Accessories Co., Ltd.
Nhà cung cấp đa chuyên ngành
Sản Phẩm chính: Carb Cleaner, bảng điều khiển đánh bóng, đa mục đích Bọt Sạch hơn, chống gỉ Chất bôi trơn phun, lốp tỏa sáng
Thứ tự xếp hạng2 giao hàng đúng hạn trong Máy Giặt SạchMulti-Language capability: Testing instruments (3)On-site material inspectionSample-based customization

Guangzhou Zhenweishi Auto Accessories Co., Ltd

Zhenweishi is a customer-oriented manufacturer that develops and manufactures advanced products and raw materials for youWe offer you a continuous supply of products. For example: home cleaning products, Laundry Products, Dishwashing liquid, Fabric Protectors & Softeners, and Hair care products.We are sincere, agile, focused on co-creation, and proactively develop and manufacture customer specific products.Our factory is verified by ISO 9001 and Alibaba.com.